I need to write a post.
And It's going to be a serious one.
I'm 4 foot 10.
My predicted height is supposed to be....drumroll please...
5 feet.
It has benefits. And things that suck about it.
For instance:
I'm cute. Read: pretty and tiny.
I get everyone's hand-me-down vintage cool clothes.
I get a ton of hugs.
I can fit into REALLY tiny spaces.
And then the things that suck.
I'm tiny...people don't take me seriously.
I get hand me down clothes. That are used. And ripped. And torn.
OKAY. THE HUGS THING. FIRST OF ALL, when I get hugged? If it's a guy, I get tucked under their armpit. Gross.
If it's a girl, I land smack between the boobs. Not so bad...kidding, kidding. It can get way awkward way fast. Clothes don't exactly fit right on me. Marketed towards tall people, modern day cute clothes just. Don't. Fit.
Trust me, I get teased. A BUNCH. I honestly don't care. For now, I'm still young-er, and it doesn't matter- I might still grow! When I'm an adult it will suck though.
I used to be super self conscious about it. Have you seen that fourth grader who borrows high heels from her moms closet and stashes them in her backpack to wear at school?
I started that.
Now, I actually go barefoot. Everywhere.
My hippie school allows it. Actually, encourages it.
When kids remark, "WOW! You're so short!" I'm like, "Um, WOOOOAH. I HADN'T NOTICED. But forrell, I don't actually care."
They don't call me the queen of sarcasm for nothing.
kisses and chocolates,
Stellar Sweetheart
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